
Cultivating Global Citizens for the Future: The Higher Education Imperative in the Asia Pacific and Beyond

Proposal submissions will be open from 1 June - 31 July 2024.

Review the conference theme and sub-themes before submitting.

The following types of submissions will be considered:

Pre-Conference Workshop 
When Workshops take place on Monday 24 March 2025
Where Conference venue, the India International Convention & Expo Centre (IICC)
Duration 3 hours, including a brief tea/coffee break
Facilitators Up to 4 in the workshop provider team
Registration Complimentary conference registration for up to 2 members of the workshop provider team with the remaining facilitators offered the speaker registration rate
Submit Submit Workshop
Concurrent Sessions
When Concurrent sessions are scheduled across the conference days, 25-27 March 2025

One-person presentation

Group/panel of 2-4 members

Round table/café style with 1-4 members

Duration You may indicate your preferred duration which will be taken into consideration by the Program Committee. 
Chairs A group with 4 presenters must nominate one of their members to be a presenting-chair.
Groups with 2 or 3 presenters must also nominate a chair but this may be a presenting-chair or it may be an additional member who is the chair only (not presenting).
A one-person presentation is not to include a chair.
Registration Presenters, moderators and chairs are all entitled to register at the speaker rate.
Submit Group, Panel or Round Table   Individual Presentation
When Poster discussions take place over lunchtimes of the conference days, 25-27 March 2025
Authors 1 author per poster
Registration Poster authors are eligible to register at the speaker rate
Submit Submit Poster


New for 2025! - Academic Research Paper submissions:


Proposal submissions for research papers will only be open until 12th July 2024.

Academic Research Papers
Program 15 minute presentation followed by a 5 minute Q&A
When As part of the program of presentations across 25 - 27 March 2025
Where Conference venue, the India International Convention & Expo Centre (IICC)
Moderators APAIE to provide moderators.  Do not include a moderator/facilitator in your submission
Research Tracks

We will accept Abstracts and Research Papers in the following Research Tracks of International Education:


  • Transnational Education – Research that focuses on the transnational education models in the Asia Pacific Region
  • International Student ExperienceFocusing on the International Student Experiences, including digital experiences of students (with a particular focus on Asia, Latin America and Pacific Islands)
  • Internationalisation of Curriculum – Research exploring the internationalisation of curriculum in Higher Education, and Internationalisation at Home. This also includes research on aspects of digital and online international education.
  • International Education Policies – Focusing on the International Education Policies in Asia, the Pacific Islands, and Latin America
  • Student Mobility – Research on student mobility programs across Asia-Pacific, including virtual mobility, COIL, short-term and longer term mobility, and international internships
Submit Submit Academic Research Paper
For more information (criteria and timelines) related to these Academic Research Paper submissions, click here.


Selection Criteria

As more proposals are submitted than can be accommodated, the reviewers consider the following criteria when making their assessment.

  1. Relevance to the Asia-Pacific region
  2. Overall quality of proposal
  3. Connection and relevance to the conference theme and nominated sub-theme (where applicable)
  4. Clarity of objectives
  5. Sound academic content and basis
  6. Proposed content is not a promotion of your products, services nor organization. (You may use your organization as an example or case study to support the aim of your presentation but it must be balanced with other examples or case studies.)
  7. Interest to an APAIE audience: How topical, innovative, and new is the perspective presented?

Who should submit?

  • Proposal submissions are open to all
  • The coordinator of the group should complete and submit the proposal for workshops and groups (2-4 members).  The coordinator is the key contact for the proposal and is responsible for ensuring all information is communicated to every group member.
  • A non-presenting coordinator or the presenter/author may submit a proposal for an individual presentation or a poster.

Key Dates:

Proposal Submissions 1 June - 31 July 2024
Academic Research Paper submissions 12 July 2024
Proposal Outcomes October 2024
Presenter Registration Deadline October 2024